The International Massage Academy of Switzerland (IMAS) was established with the goal of ensuring that massage therapists around the world have access to high-quality education and training.
IMAS cordially invites you to discover the world of massage therapy, from mechanical massage to manual therapy, and let your clients enjoy the highest level of personalized, world-known services.
Our target audience has been carefully selected to ensure that the material is delivered in the most effective way possible.
Active Release Techniques ART / Trigger Points Release Protocol
For Myoskeletal Massage Therapy, Body mechanics, Palpation, Classic deep tissue massage, Advanced deep tissue massage, Trigger points pressure release and Muscles Stretches Release Techniques
Le RME accepte uniquement les formations continues et qualifiantes des prestataires de formation qui sont en mesure de dispenser aux participants des formations correctes au point de vue organisationnel, personnel, professionnel, de la formation d’adultes et déontologique. L’école IMAS est accréditée pour cette option auprès du RME.
Tous les comprennent le matériel de cours de massage (script, vidéos, photos et certificat).
Cities have had lectures given by IMAS
Elevate your massage skills with IMAS!
IMAS provides professional and personalised Masterclasses to help leading Massage Therapists improve their skills.
Quality is the most important principle for Massages, and IMAS has a reputation for being “The Trainers Trainer”. We have been teaching all over the world since 2016 and have successfully trained more than 3000 students.
A deep tissue massage is not just a firm massage where you apply more pressure, but instead consists of different techniques that are used to allow the therapist to work beyond the superficial muscles, usually in a specific area.
Trigger Points and Muscles Stretches Release Techniques
A myofascial TPs is defined as “a hyperirritable spot, usually within a taut band of skeletal muscle or in the fascia around the muscle.and during the treatment carry out muscles Stretch release techniques use mechanical techniques to release Trigger Points as contracted muscle.
IMAS invites you to discover the world of massage, whether it be mechanical massage and manual therapy, so that your clients can enjoy the highest level of personalized, world-renowned services.
Marey El Hamouly is a well-known trainer in the international circuit for massage and body therapies, having lectured in over 79 cities abroad and has been awarded numerous awards for his activities in the industry.
IMAS was established in 2013 and is regarded as one of the world’s most successful Massage Training Schools.
Meet our Director Marey El Hamouly
Marey has been working in the massage and spa therapy industry for 35 years, and is a well known figure in the international circuit. He has earned many awards for his activities, and his latest project is to create an online platform to share his knowledge with a wider audience.
He is registered with many organizations such as Medgate Partner Network, Swiss Federation for Adults Learning and the World Massage Council, and he has been trained in a wide variety of body therapies ranging from Spa style massage therapies to Eastern/Asian style, Osteopathic Manual Techniques, Deep Tissue Massage therapy and Trigger points Release in the UK, Switzerland and USA.
His goal is to bring more awareness to massage therapy’s value within the healthcare system today and into the future.
IMAS has a reputation as being the “Trainers Trainer” and provides high quality material with an intensive and fast track approach to learning.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars based on 76 customer reviews.
Vivien Anett
It’s professional. I can recommend for everyone who wants to improve skills of massage therapy. It was a great experience
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Vivien Anett
It’s professional. I can recommend for everyone who wants to improve skills of massage therapy. It was a great experience
gabriela junosova
All my respect and gratitude to love your courses!!..the way you explain and show is wonderful! The great feeling walking out of your courses with confidence and knowledge-facts is priceless!! cant wait to see you next courses to study with you!🙏🌸
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gabriela junosova
All my respect and gratitude to love your courses!!..the way you explain and show is wonderful! The great feeling walking out of your courses with confidence and knowledge-facts is priceless!! cant wait to see you next courses to study with you!🙏🌸
Birzu Anisoara
Marey was my teacher for 3 days passing to me and my colegues the vast knowledge that he achieved through hard work. It was a magnificent time, i could only be sad that we had to finish the course. The energy thay he put in and the humbleness with which he carries his all being made his presence loved by all of us. I can’t wait for further courses! With respect! Your forever student!
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Birzu Anisoara
Marey was my teacher for 3 days passing to me and my colegues the vast knowledge that he achieved through hard work. It was a magnificent time, i could only be sad that we had to finish the course. The energy thay he put in and the humbleness with which he carries his all being made his presence loved by all of us. I can’t wait for further courses! With respect! Your forever student!
missilvija mis
Очень хороший курсы, очень много что узнала и научился
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missilvija mis
Очень хороший курсы, очень много что узнала и научился
Sumon Aeon (Sumon)
Great teacher with excellent teaching skills. He has not only massage skills but he know to make class enjoyable.
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Sumon Aeon (Sumon)
Great teacher with excellent teaching skills. He has not only massage skills but he know to make class enjoyable.
Victoria Louvaris
Je suivi le formation deep tissue massage et lomi lomi massage. J’ai appris dès technique très enrichissant qui me permet aujourd’hui des meilleurs résultats. Grand merci Mario pour transmettre ton bon savoir-faire. Je vous recommande vivement cette école.
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Victoria Louvaris
Je suivi le formation deep tissue massage et lomi lomi massage. J’ai appris dès technique très enrichissant qui me permet aujourd’hui des meilleurs résultats. Grand merci Mario pour transmettre ton bon savoir-faire. Je vous recommande vivement cette école.
Jeremy Dupré
Professeurs accueillants et présent durant la pratique pour corriger et donner des astuces Cours centré sur la pratique. Je recommande et je reviendrai
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Jeremy Dupré
Professeurs accueillants et présent durant la pratique pour corriger et donner des astuces Cours centré sur la pratique. Je recommande et je reviendrai
Olga Trejer
Un curs excepțional din toate punctele de vedere Tehnici noi ,informație, practică totul la cel mai înalt nivel.Multumesc pentru răbdare implicare și timpul alocat .Recomand cu încredere tuturor !
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Olga Trejer
Un curs excepțional din toate punctele de vedere Tehnici noi ,informație, practică totul la cel mai înalt nivel.Multumesc pentru răbdare implicare și timpul alocat .Recomand cu încredere tuturor !
Evenika Remeikytė
Mokymai buvo nuostabus! Lektorius detalizuotai išdėsto kiekvieną metodiką bei judesį. Skiria ypatinga dėmesį detalėms. Labai paprastai ir suprantamai viska paaiškina. Suteikia daug informacijos iš praktinės pusės, kas leidžia lengvai pritaikyti naujai įgytas žinias. Esu labai patenkinta ir lauksim lektoriaus Marey vėl apsilankant Lietuvoje.
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Evenika Remeikytė
Mokymai buvo nuostabus! Lektorius detalizuotai išdėsto kiekvieną metodiką bei judesį. Skiria ypatinga dėmesį detalėms. Labai paprastai ir suprantamai viska paaiškina. Suteikia daug informacijos iš praktinės pusės, kas leidžia lengvai pritaikyti naujai įgytas žinias. Esu labai patenkinta ir lauksim lektoriaus Marey vėl apsilankant Lietuvoje.
Lizzy Gritsch
ENG: I recently attended deep tissue massage classes it was marvellous I learnt alot our teacher is so dedicated and takes his time to explain everything in detail. I can’t wait to start classic massage school in IMAS this September. If you want to learn advanced massage techniques this is the school to be the staff are so nice and motivated everyone speaks English and well.. DE: Ich habe vor kurzem an einem Tiefengewebsmassagekurs teilgenommen. Es war wunderbar. Ich habe viel gelernt. Unser Lehrer ist so engagiert und nimmt sich die Zeit, alles im Detail zu erklären. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, im September mit der klassischen Massageschule bei IMAS zu beginnen. Wenn Sie Fortgeschrittene Massagetechniken lernen möchten, ist dies die richtige Schule für Sie. Das Personal ist so nett und motiviert. Jeder spricht gut Englisch auch.
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Lizzy Gritsch
ENG: I recently attended deep tissue massage classes it was marvellous I learnt alot our teacher is so dedicated and takes his time to explain everything in detail. I can’t wait to start classic massage school in IMAS this September. If you want to learn advanced massage techniques this is the school to be the staff are so nice and motivated everyone speaks English and well.. DE: Ich habe vor kurzem an einem Tiefengewebsmassagekurs teilgenommen. Es war wunderbar. Ich habe viel gelernt. Unser Lehrer ist so engagiert und nimmt sich die Zeit, alles im Detail zu erklären. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, im September mit der klassischen Massageschule bei IMAS zu beginnen. Wenn Sie Fortgeschrittene Massagetechniken lernen möchten, ist dies die richtige Schule für Sie. Das Personal ist so nett und motiviert. Jeder spricht gut Englisch auch.
Evthoras Demetriou
I have had the pleasure and privilege to habe studied under Marley and I can confidently confess that it was a top class experience. Marley is deeply knowledgeable, professional and eager to share his passion for massage. He is also uniquely funny and charismatic in his teaching approach as he never fails to connect to each student personally. I highly recommend him and his business to anyone who wishes to progress professionally as a massage therapist. You will be lucky to study under him. Merci Monsieur 💪✅
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Evthoras Demetriou
I have had the pleasure and privilege to habe studied under Marley and I can confidently confess that it was a top class experience. Marley is deeply knowledgeable, professional and eager to share his passion for massage. He is also uniquely funny and charismatic in his teaching approach as he never fails to connect to each student personally. I highly recommend him and his business to anyone who wishes to progress professionally as a massage therapist. You will be lucky to study under him. Merci Monsieur 💪✅
Emre Kavaz
It was very beneficial and educative course, thank you for everything 🙂
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Emre Kavaz
It was very beneficial and educative course, thank you for everything 🙂
Maria Gloria Luksa
Very good and effectif massage course! The right body mechanics, posture and ergonomics can make you the upper level professional! I realised thant during this courses by practising with Marey!
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Maria Gloria Luksa
Very good and effectif massage course! The right body mechanics, posture and ergonomics can make you the upper level professional! I realised thant during this courses by practising with Marey!
Adrian Naum
Un salt calitativ decisiv și necesar pentru evoluția mea în masaj. Aș fi regretat enorm dacă nu l-aș fi făcut. Mulțumesc din suflet El Hamouly!
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Adrian Naum
Un salt calitativ decisiv și necesar pentru evoluția mea în masaj. Aș fi regretat enorm dacă nu l-aș fi făcut. Mulțumesc din suflet El Hamouly!
Adriana Rackova
Attending my second course with IMAS, Trigger point protocol and Muscle strechting release techniques presented by Marey El Hamouly gave me a lot of new information which will help me a lot during my future work, also correcting some of my mistakes. Really looking forward for the next course.
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Adriana Rackova
Attending my second course with IMAS, Trigger point protocol and Muscle strechting release techniques presented by Marey El Hamouly gave me a lot of new information which will help me a lot during my future work, also correcting some of my mistakes. Really looking forward for the next course.
Maria Pop
Un adevãrat profesionist! Profesionalism, seriozitate si rezultate vizibile! Recomand!
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Maria Pop
Un adevãrat profesionist! Profesionalism, seriozitate si rezultate vizibile! Recomand!
chris C
Merci Marey pour tout ce que tu fais pour nous les masseurs, IMA et les championnats. A très vitre pour un nouveau training et la présentation l’année prochaine en Suisse.
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chris C
Merci Marey pour tout ce que tu fais pour nous les masseurs, IMA et les championnats. A très vitre pour un nouveau training et la présentation l’année prochaine en Suisse.
Very good school
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Very good school
Florentina Voicu
😊thank you very much! Great experience! I love you’re techniques. I wished to take a course with you for a long time, finally I could. Very impressed with your Infraspinatus muscle release , very interesting technique. Btw, you saved my thumbs:)), I used to use them in a very bad way, I didn’t realise I used them in a wrong position. Now are not painfull anymore 😇. You use a lot of stretching movements and I love that. I highly recommend your Academy!
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Florentina Voicu
😊thank you very much! Great experience! I love you’re techniques. I wished to take a course with you for a long time, finally I could. Very impressed with your Infraspinatus muscle release , very interesting technique. Btw, you saved my thumbs:)), I used to use them in a very bad way, I didn’t realise I used them in a wrong position. Now are not painfull anymore 😇. You use a lot of stretching movements and I love that. I highly recommend your Academy!
Shehad Hoque (Sumon)
Great teacher with excellent teaching skills. He has not only massage skills but he know to make class enjoyable.
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Shehad Hoque (Sumon)
Great teacher with excellent teaching skills. He has not only massage skills but he know to make class enjoyable.
Alvydas Vitkauskas
Fantastic courses recomend😉💪
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Alvydas Vitkauskas
Fantastic courses recomend😉💪
Rizwan Safdar
Very simple and to the point course. Most important that people with no back ground can join. It’s good for as hobby and career.
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Rizwan Safdar
Very simple and to the point course. Most important that people with no back ground can join. It’s good for as hobby and career.
Antonio Silva
I am very happy to have chosen this school, the teachers are impeccable and professional, I was very well received and they also teach and monitor the students very well, the environment is very good and friendly, I am very grateful 🙏 thank you Marey and Ismael
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Antonio Silva
I am very happy to have chosen this school, the teachers are impeccable and professional, I was very well received and they also teach and monitor the students very well, the environment is very good and friendly, I am very grateful 🙏 thank you Marey and Ismael
Aracely Joanee De Gamma
Ich habe es geliebt, diese Kurse in der Gruppe zu teilen
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Aracely Joanee De Gamma
Ich habe es geliebt, diese Kurse in der Gruppe zu teilen
Virginie Geoffroy
JE RECOMMANDE FORTEMENT!!! Merci au professionnalisme des enseignants qui nous rassurent, expliquent parfaitement et nous assurent de l’excellence. Je ne suis pas à ma première formation continue mais honnêtement c’est LA meilleur que j’ai eu le plaisir de suivre. Hâte de recommencer l’expérience pour d’autres aventures!! Merci 1000x
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Virginie Geoffroy
JE RECOMMANDE FORTEMENT!!! Merci au professionnalisme des enseignants qui nous rassurent, expliquent parfaitement et nous assurent de l’excellence. Je ne suis pas à ma première formation continue mais honnêtement c’est LA meilleur que j’ai eu le plaisir de suivre. Hâte de recommencer l’expérience pour d’autres aventures!! Merci 1000x
Brayan Martinez
Magnifique accueil, des massages et des cours de qualité, chaleureux et familiale! J suis très content de ma formation chez IMAS
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Brayan Martinez
Magnifique accueil, des massages et des cours de qualité, chaleureux et familiale! J suis très content de ma formation chez IMAS
MyMassages MyMassages BG
The best man in Switzerland 🇨🇭
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MyMassages MyMassages BG
The best man in Switzerland 🇨🇭
Sergej Kapustin
Super!! Real professional of his job. Got lot of experience and knowledge 👍👍👍
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Sergej Kapustin
Super!! Real professional of his job. Got lot of experience and knowledge 👍👍👍
Viktorija August
It was an honor to be a part of Deep Tissue course! The course was very informative and useful. All the information was delivered in a very simple and understandable manner by Marey! Thanks! Hope to visit more courses by IMAS in the near future! 🙂
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Viktorija August
It was an honor to be a part of Deep Tissue course! The course was very informative and useful. All the information was delivered in a very simple and understandable manner by Marey! Thanks! Hope to visit more courses by IMAS in the near future! 🙂
Veronique Marmillod
J’ai suivi une formation intensive d’un mois chez IMAS, et elle a largement dépassé mes attentes. Le programme est très complet, couvrant tous les aspects essentiels du massage classique. Marey et Ismaïl sont des professionnels chevronnés, passionnés et capables de transmettre leur savoir et leurs valeurs avec excellence. Leur approche est à la fois humaine et bienveillante. Cette école jouit d’une véritable renommée dans le domaine de la formation en massage. Une équipe formidable que je recommande vivement !
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Veronique Marmillod
J’ai suivi une formation intensive d’un mois chez IMAS, et elle a largement dépassé mes attentes. Le programme est très complet, couvrant tous les aspects essentiels du massage classique. Marey et Ismaïl sont des professionnels chevronnés, passionnés et capables de transmettre leur savoir et leurs valeurs avec excellence. Leur approche est à la fois humaine et bienveillante. Cette école jouit d’une véritable renommée dans le domaine de la formation en massage. Une équipe formidable que je recommande vivement !
Registration and affiliation
Unlock the potential of your massage techniques with our world class massage courses on offer. Whether you’re seeking to refine your existing abilities or acquire something new, we have programs tailored just for you!
Reach out today and explore how our instruction can open up a world of opportunities for yourself!
Legal REGISTRATION: NO Cant: CH-217-3552054-5 IDE: CHE-479.356.338, Switzerland-2013 IQ NO: 601/0143/X, UK 2020/ Quality in Empirical Medicine Register No: E963863, RME Switzerland-2021
International Massage Academy of Switzerland
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